Product Details:
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Walker Childrens Paperbacks (November 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1406326186
ISBN-13: 978-1406326185
Product Dimensions:
7.6 x 5 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.5 ounces
Editorial Reviews About the Author Anne Fine has the Smarties Book Award, Children's Playground Fiction Prize and the Carnegie MedLA Guardian (twice) and won twice been voted Children's Playground Author of the Year blown for good torrent. His books include two collections more about Jamie and Angus, The Jamie and Angus Stories (9781406305456) and Jamie and Angus Together (9781406313321) and The Haunting of Pip Parker (9781406306156), how to cross the street and not in a curve Pizza (9781406390340 ) Henry Care (9781844281497) is, Nag Club (9781844289400) and over blown for good torrent! (9781406304305). She lives in County Durham. Penny Dale is a writer and illustrator whose best-selling title of the Ten in the Bed (9781406300352) and 1980 Kate Greenaway Medal Baby Rosie (9780744523355), followed by Martin Waddell wrote. She lives in Newport, Wales.
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